Student Microsoft Accounts

In order to utilizing great things like Office 365, ClassLink, FlipGrid, and so many more classroom technologies students will be assigned a Microsoft student account. Accessing all of our school's curriculum is easy via ClassLink, where a Microsoft account is required. All of Arbor's student Microsoft accounts are fully integrated with ClassLink. Read more about ClassLink.
For APMS Students, E-Mail Accounts are Here!
Arbor Park School District has created student email accounts for all 5-8th grade students to allow for collaborative sharing using Office 365 for Education. These accounts will be used for school-related communication only. Email accounts offer the opportunity for students to apply their 21st Century learning skills in a safe environment. Students now have the opportunity to share work with their teachers.
How can my student access email?
From any district computer, laptop, or device. Email is also available 24/7 from anywhere in the world by signing into ClassLink or
Students HomeDrives are moving to OneDrive cloud storage!
OneDrive provides over 1TB (terabyte) of FREE storage space for students in the cloud. Students can save and access their files 24/7 from any device such as a school computer, lab, iPad, or any personal device such as a smart phone, tablet, or home computer. This will solve the gap of “Where do I save my files?”.
Where is it hosted?
APSD145 supports the use of Office 365 to enhance the teaching and learning process. All student OneDrive accounts are stored in the Microsoft cloud. This service is free for students and saves the district costs on internal servers and storage.
Access to the APSD145 domain, network, and student email accounts is a privilege and APSD145 reserves the right to withdraw the access and use of an account when there is a reason to believe violations of the law have occurred. In such cases, parents will be notified following our regular discipline policies. Email will be restricted to the school domain. A student will not be able to correspond with AOL, yahoo, gmail, and other generic accounts. Students have access to PandaHelp Technology assistance if they need their password reset or other assistance. Email for assistance.