Bus Routes for the 2024-25 School Year

Students and Parents, as we use our school buses throughout the school year, it is important to remember the rules we expect children to follow while riding the school bus. Most students behave well on the bus, but a few others sometimes create serious safety hazards to all riders.

Our school district provides school bus service as a convenience and a privilege. Bus service may be revoked at the discretion of the school. Children who endanger themselves and others by misbehavior on a school bus may lose bus privileges.

For any questions regarding transportation please contact:

Kristine Fransen

Transportation Coordinator Email Kristine Fransen

Phone: 708-535-4520 
Fax: 708-535-4396

‍Arbor Park School District 145’s important note about SCHOOL BUS SAFETY:

Students and Parents, as we use our school buses throughout the school year, it is important to remember the rules we expect children to follow while riding the school bus. Most students behave well on the bus, but a few others sometimes create serious safety hazards to all riders.

Our school district provides school bus service as a convenience and a privilege. Bus service may be revoked at the discretion of the school. Children who endanger themselves and others by misbehavior on a school bus may lose bus privileges.

Please talk to your child about the importance of obeying bus rules. For your information, our school bus safety rules are printed on this page. Your cooperation will help ensure the safety of all children who ride school buses in Arbor Park School District 145.

Beginning in 1996 all buses have video cameras on board. Arbor Park District #145 feels this is another effort by the district to enhance safety measures and improve behavioral management.

Key Points for Motorists to Remember:

When a school bus is traveling on a two-lane roadway and is stopped to pick up or drop off students, the vehicles in all lanes of traffic must stop. Vehicles should stop at least 20 feet before reaching the school bus to allow students to cross the roadway safely.

When a school bus is traveling on a four-lane roadway with at least two lanes of traffic traveling in the opposite direction, only those lanes of traffic traveling in the same direction as the school bus must stop. Students shall not be required to cross four or more lanes of traffic to reach their residence.

When a school bus is traveling on a one-way roadway and is stopped to pick up or drop off students, all lanes of traffic must stop, regardless of the number of lanes of traffic.

A Safe School Bus Rider:

A “safe school bus rider” helps prevent accidents by obeying all school bus safety rules.
A “safe school bus rider” knows the bus driver is in charge and must be obeyed.

Leaving for School:

  1. Get up early enough to be on time, dress appropriately for the weather.
  2. Be at your assigned bus stop at least five minutes ahead of time.
  3. Do not play in or near the street.
  4. While on the bus stop, respect other people’s property.
  5. When the bus approaches, line up well away from the street. Form a single-file line. Stay an arm’s length away from the side of the bus. NO PUSHING!
  6. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before boarding.
  7. If you drop something on the ground while boarding the bus, do NOT pick it up. Tell the bus driver or other adult.
  8. Use the hand rail when boarding the bus.
  9. Take your seat quickly. Buses have assigned seats.

On the Bus:

  1. Follow the bus driver’s instructions promptly and exactly.
  2. Remain seated throughout the ride. Always sit facing forward. Do not change seats during the bus ride.
  3. Talk quietly. NO YELLING! Offensive language will NOT be tolerated.
  4. Do not throw things on the bus or from the bus.
  5. NO fighting, tripping, shoving or spitting. Keep hands and feet strictly to yourself!
  6. Keep head and limbs inside the bus. Do NOT hang out the windows.
  7. Do not eat, drink or smoke on the bus.
  8. Vandalism of any form or property damage will not be tolerated.

Arriving at Your Destination:

  1. DO NOT stand up until the bus has come to a complete stop.
  2. Use the hand rail when leaving the bus. NO PUSHING!
  3. Move immediately away from the bus.
  4. If you have to cross the street in front of the bus, the bus driver will let you know when it is safe. Cross about 10 giant steps in front of the bus, so the driver can see you.
  5. Bus drivers are permitted to stop ONLY at assigned corner bus stops

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