Special Education

Special Education

Our school district strongly believes in the least restrictive environment with each building employing multiple special education specialists to insure that directive is carried out. Our school district is also a member of the Southwest Cook County Cooperative Association for Special Education. Our district houses four cooperative programs within our middle school, while sending other identified district students to other cooperative programs stationed outside of the district.

Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities (English)

Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities (Spanish)

Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities (Gujarati)

Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities (Arabic)

APSD145 Notice - 504 Information

Arbor Park School District 145 complies with additional requirements related to the provision of special education as indicated in P.A. 101-051. Specifically, Arbor Park District 145 will:

  1. Provide parents/guardians with “copies of all written material” that will be considered at the IEP meeting at least three (3) days in advance of the IEP meeting. This includes all evaluations and collected data as well as proposed goals. Information about placement, programming and related services will be discussed at the meeting and not drafted in advance.
  2. Maintain records of the provision of related services and share logs of service upon parent/guardian request.

Special Notice for Parents who Home School in Arbor Park District 145:

In May of each year, Arbor Park School District 145 hosts a meeting to discuss the district’s plans for providing special education services to students with disabilities who are home schooled within the district for the following school year. This meeting is announced on our website and posted at district office with notification of the May meeting of the Board of Education. If you are a parent who home schools a student who has been or might be identified with a disability and you reside within the boundaries of Arbor Park School District 145, you are urged to attend this annual meeting. However, you do not need to wait for this meeting to contact the district and discuss your child’s needs. You are always welcome to contact the Special Education Department at 708-535-4344 or to email the special education secretary, Barbara Hughes, at bhughes@arbor145.org.

Eliza Lopez

Assistant Superintendent of Student Services Email Eliza Lopez