
Arbor Park follows the state of Illinois requirement in identification of students as English Language Learners. The first step is the use of the Home Language Survey. If a student is identified on the survey whose family or the student themself communicates in a language other than English, then the district shall administer an individual language proficiency assessment. To determine the child’s eligibility for English language acquisition purposes, the assessment is to take place within the specified time frame given by the state and is based on the date of the student’s enrollment in the district. If a student is determined to be eligible for services, then the parents will be informed in writing the assessment results and services will be explained in detail.

Any student who is identified as needing English language support will be required by federal law to take the English Language Proficiency test annually for English proficiency growth. Students take the ACCESS for ELLs, which is a standards-based assessment that is assessing students in English. The ACCESS test assesses both social and academic English. Students will be required to take this assessment until they demonstrate and meet the state criteria for English language proficiency.

The link below provides additional information and resources offered by the Illinois State Board of Education.


ACCESS Testing Parent Letter

Eliza Lopez

Assistant Superintendent of Student Services Email Eliza Lopez